Or…thoughts for the new year.
Don’t you just love the new year, all shiny and clean? What ever happened in 2018 can jolly well stay there along with the remains of the turkey and crispy pine needles!
There’s something about the freshness and promise of January 1st that gets me so excited. I’ll be starting a new planner and a new planner style along with a new sketch book as I’ve actually filled up my old one at last.

Going into 2019 I look forward to lots more exciting things to come with Craft Stamper magazine and getting to know alot more of how things work behind the scenes. I’ll be continuing to work with WOW! Embossing Powders and some exciting new products they have coming up, taking a bit of a step back with Canvas Corp Brands by joining their Alumni program and carrying on my work with Paper Pen and Plan as a Creative team member.
I have some big craft market plans too as this was something I really enjoyed in 2018 and one or two new ideas for the Basement Studio shop too.
So, I’d better stop talking and start doing before the novelty of fresh starts and all things new wears off!
A very happy new year to everyone and may 2019 turn out to be the best yet.
Jaine xxxx