Redbubble Store

After a year of learning everything there is to know about surface design, I’ve finally managed to sign up and open a store with Redbubble a print on demand company who work with artists to print their designs onto all sorts of items from clothing and notebooks to mugs and cushions.

I’ve uploaded my first collection of designs, the first ones to come out of Summer School 23 with Make It In Design, available to purchase from Redbubble. The link is here, and this is my collection.

All four designs in this first collection can be purchased on many different products so I’m excited to see where this takes me.

Jaine x


We’re having an amazing autumn so far weather wise. It’s gloriously sunny and warm here in Luxembourg so we’re making the absolute most of every second knowing that it can and will change at any moment. It’s so warm that it’s hard to let go of the summer. Creating summer themed designs is also making it difficult to accept the new season.

In my previous post I shared how I’d been getting to grips with surface design and managing to complete my first collection of patterns. Although I knew the patterns themselves needed some work before I could see them being printed, the foundations were there. This rainbow was the first design I came up with and is my favourite so far. Starting out as hand drawn elements, I wanted to keep it bright, quirky and fun. I altered the original image a bit and changed the colour pallete completely to subconciously turn it into my signature aqua colour! After designing the main image I used it to create a further two patterns to support it.

I think it looks great on a notebook cover and once I’ve made a couple of tweeks I’ll be adding this notebook to my Etsy store.

Meanwhile I’ll just keep dreaming of blue skies and summer days.

Jaine x