Even though I no longer have school aged children (just one at uni), I love the start of the new term. It reminds me a bit of new year and a fresh start. It must be all the shiny new things in the shops, especially the pens and pencils, I want it all!
Lots of things have been happening over the summer, including holidays away, and there have been lots of projects in between. I’ll recap a few here.
First up, there have been quite a few projects for WOW! including these ATC’s. The theme for September is Embellishments which opened itself up to so many possibilities. Here I chose to create little embellishments from die cuts and embossing. A bit of sewing and they’re done!

The same powder from the Riviera Trio was used on these circles and again sewn onto for extra texture. The powder was set onto texture paste for much deeper dimension and heating it with a heat tool created bubbles too. I love that finish!

For this one again I used a die cut but covered it with gel medium and embossing powder. Heating the powder over the gel medium created some wonderful texture which adds to the magic!

I’ve rediscovered how brilliant ATC’s are again after falling out of love with them for a while. This little one was made for Paper Pen and Plan and even though it looks as though I painted the whole background I’ve actually only used a small amount of paint smeared over this already painted scrapbook paper. A good trick if you have little time or inclination to wait for paint to dry!

At Paper Pen and Plan we’ve been enjoying our tiny travelers notebooks and have created Tiny TN Tuesday in our Facebook group. While away in the Summer I found a gorgeous OXO tin in an antiques shop and discovered it was perfect to hold my tiny and a few collage bits. I feel a bit disrespectful to my Grandma’s tin but honestly, OXO is the cutest.

A couple of days ago I had a stand at a local arts and crafts fair. I really didn’t think I’d make it as I’d been so busy in the lead up to it but the weekend promised to be warm and sunny so I packed up my books and headed off. This was a huge event with well over 200 stall holders and the weather was superb! (except for a few gusts of wind which threatened to take our tent away over the fields). Thank you to all the people who came and supported me, I truly do appreciate it. Here I am with Katherine who I shared a spot with. Thanks Tine for the photo. x

Now it’s back to reality and back to work. There’ll be a workshop coming up soon in October which I’ll fill you in about soon.
Have a good week and I hope the sun continues to shine.
Jaine x