Junk Journaling

This week I’ve been playing in my junk journal which is in my travelers notebook. I find this very quick to work in as the pages aren’t big and it’s not one of my best journals so I’m not afraid of messing it up. Great for experimentation and letting go. This one I’ve used the Dylusions paints from the shop.

After a conversation with Clare from Paper Pen and Plan we both came to the conclusion we really missed our Messy Mondays so she decided to bring it back but this time in the Facebook group so everyone else could join us. To join in visit paperpenandplan on Facebook.

Since posting my junk journal in the group I had a couple of questions about the paper I used and I thought I’d post a little show and tell here but it was so long and picture heavy I decided to make a little video instead showing how this……….

became this……..

So here’s the video.


Have a good weekend

Jaine xx

Messy Monday Journal Page

This weekend I went down with the cold I’ve been so determined to avoid now for weeks. I tried my best to get on as normal but after spending a couple of hours in the garden on Saturday I was flaked and Sunday I could hardly muster up the energy to get off the sofa. It’s a bit better now but of course the coughing will stay around for a while no doubt.

Yesterday for Messy Monday I did manage to get a journal page together. More collage and Dylusions paints then a simple drawing of Luxembourg city and that was it.


I’m starting to become braver with adding more colour instead of sticking to the usual turquoise and blue colour scheme. The addition of pink a previously unseen colour on my pages is adding loads more interest.

Jaine x


Spring Flowers Challenge

We spent this weekend in the garden weeding, digging and getting rid of cubic metres of moss from everywhere. It was truly exhausting, but I’m satisfied we did a brilliant job and it’ll surely pay off when the summer comes.

It’s lovely too to be able to draw inspiration (literally) from the garden and for my Messy Monday journal entry this week I did just that. I went out and took a few pics of the Spring flowers, then sketched one or two in my sketch book. My favourite was the pot of primroses which I thought I’d transfer to my journal.

primrose sketch Continue reading Spring Flowers Challenge

Confidence Art Journal Page

At the end of last year I posted a photo of how my Moleskine journal looks now it’s at the end, since then it’s become even fatter and is bursting at the seams, so it’s definitely time for a new one. This time I’ve bought myself a Strathmore to see how that stands up to my beloved Moleskine.


While I was waiting for it to arrive I created a new page in my much smaller Dylusions journal and as usual it was while Facetiming with Clare who was also testing out a new journal, her first Moleskine.

journal dyl

I got out the Dylusions paints and as usual I reached for my favourite colours, turquoise and green so to try and push myself out of a colour rut I thought I’d go for something I don’t normally do and put on some pink. As you can see I wasn’t so confident and didn’t slap it on too much but I was happy to know I’d broken out of this colour funk.

journal dyl2

I thought I’d put the word Confidence on the finished page as it was the word of the moment. Confidence to try something new, confidence to believe in yourself and how quickly it can be taken away too with just one word.

I think it’s important for me to remember that not everyone has the confidence to slosh paint around and mess make in a journal like I do and there are people who would very much like to get started in journaling but have no idea where to start. So in the shop I’ve put together a series of kits which include a hand made A5 journal, two Dylusions paints, a stencil and stencil sponges and a stamp. The journal is 8 pages of 300gsm mixed media paper so well able to stand up to paint and wet mediums and is bound with a vintage manila file folder as a cover. There are 4 kits Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, each one with different stencils and paint colours.

journal kit spring

My motto for the year will be “Try something new this year” so I hope you will.

Jaine x