Lots Of Crafty Stuff From The Studio

Well January has been a bit of a mixed bag so far. My lack of blogging has been due to a broken laptop which has gone away to be fixed so I’m left using my tablet for writing which is a slow process and my phone for photos. I’m getting a bit fed up of one fingered typing. My fat fingers keep making mistakes and the auto correct changes my text into something altogether rubbish, sometimes totally inappropriate too.

That’s not good…… Hopefully it’ll come back soon before I go bonkers.

Meanwhile…….having a bit more time on my hands meant I could have a bit of a tidy up in the studio and as a result came across a pile of leather pieces. I’d almost forgotten about them in the back of a cupboard. Given to me by my friend Lena, they originally came from a sofa swatch book so are mostly A4 size but with odd holes and stitching where they were held into the book.

They’re just the right size  and stiffness for making into notebook covers like this. I broke four needles sewing the strap on but it was worth the effort.

I’ve made this green one big enough to take four to six notebooks comfortably with a wrap around and button closure. I love it. I might make some more this weekend.

One of my goals for this year is to journal more so last Friday in the studio I did just that and had a blast. I missed the paints and inks alot last year so I intend to bring my journal out as much as possible in 2018.

It was a perfect opportunity too to use my house stamps. After stamping and cutting them out I was happier to leave them uncoloured againsed the crazy background and I think it worked.

For this Friday in the studio I’ve turned to the journal in my travelers notebook where I’m going to start documenting the months. I’ll add some photos, notes, ephemera and stickers and keep it sketchy and informal. It’ll be a place where I can highlight everything which happens during the month plus I can add some arty backgrounds in too.

That’s it for this week. Have a good one and I’ll speak soon.

Jaine xx

Catching Up for May

I hadn’t realised just how long it had been since I last posted an update. Such alot has been going on and I’ve been really busy on and off. This weekend in particular was a local Arts and Crafts market which I decided to take part in. It’s been many many years since I did this sort of thing and I have to say I was very nervous. It’s easy to get really comfortable when you’ve built up an online community where everyone else knows everyone else and if you don’t want to show your face you don’t have to. So I wasn’t sure how well my stuff would be received by the public and explaining what I do to people who mostly have never heard of me was a scary thing. I needn’t have worried though as I had some amazing feed back and people genuinly liked what I was doing.

Half of my tent was me and my cards, books, book covers, kits etc and the other half was my connection to workshops, so my two friends Katherine and Lena helped me out to do a Make and Take table with the aim of hopefully getting a few more people interested in signing up for workshops.

Make and take ATC.

I spent a few weeks putting together notebooks and sketchbooks by hand and making Travelers Notebook covers out of felt.

I also made mini junk journals too but I had no idea how these would go down. It’s not a concept which has taken off here at all and explaining how to use a mini journal with each page made from different materials would be a challenge but on the whole they were loved and I did sell more of these than the plain notebooks.

Inside watercolour pages had been tea dyed to create an antique feel.


Before all that though I’ve been working on a few other projects like this journal page which is the latest in the Canvas Corp Brands Traveling Art Journal project. This is the April page. I really enjoyed creating it but was a little worried I’d gone a bit over the top this time.

This is the March page which looking at it now is just as busy. I must be going through a busy faze.

I did have to have a little titter to myself when an ooops moment provided a bit of extra publicity. I designed this little birdy stamp for the cover of the June Craft Stamper magazine but it came out a month early by mistake with the projects which went with it appearing in the June issue but the birdy on the cover of May. So although it was a headache for the Craft Stamper team it meant an extra month for me of my little birdy stamp. Win win.

I’ll be listing my notebooks and covers in the shop and on Etsy along with other colours and notebook designs so look out for those.

Have a good week

Jaine xx