normal is boring

Normal can be a blessing after a period of upset and stress, however just doing one little thing out of the ordinary every now and then peps life up and keeps things from becoming stale. Well that’s my excuse for straying a bit away from the norm sometimes.

I’m back in the studio after a period away and very keen to get the paints and pens out again. I find comfort in these things and just having my supplies around me brings me joy. I also think that starting in a small way is easier than trying to complete a big project right from the get-go! This is why I was pleased to see a couple of tags in this month’s Sweet Treat Box from Paper Pen and Plan and a challenge to create a tag book with them.

Without a clear plan of what I would end up doing, I decided to start with a little abstract watercolour on the tags using a lovely gold watercolour paint I bought recently and hadn’t yet tried out.

A Prima text stamp added a bit of contrast and extra texture. The lines just happened naturally which I was surprised about to be honest as I usually go for circles, anyway it was quite appropriate that the text should also be placed that way on too.

Using the tag as a template I cut several more from odd bits of paper, brown paper, bags, book pages and gel prints.

I’ve seen this binding method in several places recently and it seemed like the most simple way to bind the pages together. Handily the box also came with the washi tape so of course it was obvious I’d use it here. I taped the pages together in pairs.

Then glued the pairs together back to back. A strip of fabric covered the spine and added a pretty bright splash of colour to the front too.

It just took a stitch stamp and a couple of stickers (also in the same box) to finish the front. I added a thin smear of gesso to the pages so I could add paint to them and tested out the first page with a few watersoluble crayons and more stickers. Anything but boring I think.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and I’d love to know what you’re up to as well.

Jaine xx

Big Baby Album

I’ve been dying to show off this new album but until now I couldn’t as I’d spoil a surprise. But at last I can.

It’s a chunky 20x20cm with a wide 9cm spine. Lots of room for photos with flaps and extra fold out pages.

It was an absolute joy to create it too. I’ve listed it as a pre order on my web shop which you can find by clicking the link here. The colour and choice of patterned paper were chosen for this specific project so any colour or theme is possible.

I plan to add a wedding album to the family soon too.

Have a lovely week

Jaine xx

Acrylic Albums

I love working with transparency, it creates so many interesting possibilities and layers. Making acrylic, transparent albums is especially interesting as I really have to think about the album as a whole when I’m putting it together.

These two I made recently and love them.

The Unicorn Album

Most of the materials for this one came from my January Sweet Treat Box from Paper Pen and Plan which I didn’t have an opportunity to use since it arrived. The Unicorn theme seemed to be a perfect fit.

The White Album

The white album was a joy to put together but a pain to photograph. I either managed to get reflections of me or the dog! It’s hardly there at all which is what makes it so pretty I think. There’s room for a few photos but honestly I wouldn’t want to put too much into it.

They’re going to be on my table at KUKI in May alongside a few other acrylic albums. I hope the public like them.

Have a great weekend, I hope the sun shines on you all.

Jaine xx

Christmas Journal And Mini Albums

I’m still keeping up with my December daily journal although I might not exactly be to the day. It’s that busy time of the year don’t you know (smiley face).

I did wonder how using a junk journal with some very thin pages would work out but so far it’s not been too much of a problem if at all.

If anything shows through from the other side I’ve just covered it up with a picture or paper.

I’ve been working flat out to make mini books and albums for an artists Christmas event coming up in a weeks time. I’ll be showing and selling various different types of mini album including these accordion books. They’re just the right size for a few photos and messages for a last minute gift idea. I’m hoping they’ll go down well on the stand.

Looking at them here maybe I need to make a few not pink ones, I think my girly side took over.

Have a good weekend and if you have snow, stay safe and warm.

Jaine x