What’s On My Desk Wednesday – Multi Tasking With paints

Two projects, two different styles and two very different finishes are on my table today. I’m flitting about between the two here, while one dries I add something to the other one. It’s a bit mad to be honest but while the ideas are in my head I have to do it otherwise it’s gone.

This top one is in the Traveling Art Journal for Canvas Corp Brands and I’m truly happy with how it’s progressing. Some acrylic paints, some watercolour and a bit of collage is all I’ve done so far. I’m finding at the moment that my journal pages aren’t as dark as they used to be and I’m leaving alot more white space. Maybe it’s a phase.

On the other table and in complete contrast I’ve got my sketchbook open to finish off a sketch I started yesterday in the garden. If you were to look at the sketch and the garden side by side you’d see I’ve enhanced the flowers big style. The border isn’t looking quite as blooming as that! After a cold and wet couple of weeks it’s gone into Autumn mode with several of my plants going totally to seed.

It’s my sketchbook and I can do what I want in it, right?

We’re getting ready to go off to Ireland at the end of this week but I’ll be back with a quick post on Friday.

Happy Wednesday

Jaine xx

Out With The Watercolours

We’re now past the longest day with not only a heatwave but it’s just been so dry. Officially we’re now in a drought situation with a ban on using the hosepipe for anything other than watering the veg patch. As a result I’ve just spent two very depressing hours cutting down quite alot of the border plants to try and conserve some energy and keep them alive. I notice too either I’ve lost some plants due to the lack of rain or they’re just lying dormant and will come back next year which I hope is the case. Either way I’ve lots of gaps with bare soil.

Maybe I should just replace everything with grasses and more drought tolerant type plants!! Fake grass would be an option too.

Anyway that aside, I did have the urge a couple of days ago to open my travelers notebook journal. I had no idea what I was going to do other than I needed to get out some watercolours. Working outside too in the sun gave me lots of inspiration.

The finished page included some bits from my June Sweet Treat Box from Paperpenandplan as well as a few sprigs of Lavender. That cute pencil case came in the same box too and I just love it.

Here are a couple of close ups.

I’ve a few exciting projects coming up quite soon, one of them being Christmas In July, can you believe that??

Have a good one

Jaine x

Friday In The Studio And A Look Into My Travel Journal

As promised I thought I’d share a few pictures from my travel journal in my hand made faux dori cover. It was a joy to sit in the evening on the terrace with a glass of vino filling in the day.

dori open-side


The planner side of it didn’t escape my doodling and in fact keeping that up daily helped me if I needed to go back a day or remember where I was for any reason. I love the little calendar with its doodles. I should make stickers out of them.

august-planner-2 sept-planner

I selected a few pages to show you not that I bore you with the whole thing.

I used water colours mostly and I took a few stickers and some washi with me too.


When it came to the photos, I knew the size and format I wanted to print them out at so I sketched a box on the page where I would eventually put the photo once I’d printed it out at home and made a small note of which picture it would be.

travel-journal-3 travel-journal-4 travel-journal-5 travel-journal-6 travel-journal-7 travel-journel

I’m very excited to plan my Christmas journal now. It won’t be too far away.

Have a good weekend

Jaine x

A Simple Water Colour Card

water colour card copy

With the water colour look being so popular right now I thought I’d create something a little bit different on this card using ink sprays by Tattered Angels and a stencil. The ink sprays gave me a much brighter colour and they layered over each other beautifully.

The full tutorial is on the Canvas Corp Brands blog  

Jaine x