Lots Of Crafty Stuff From The Studio

Well January has been a bit of a mixed bag so far. My lack of blogging has been due to a broken laptop which has gone away to be fixed so I’m left using my tablet for writing which is a slow process and my phone for photos. I’m getting a bit fed up of one fingered typing. My fat fingers keep making mistakes and the auto correct changes my text into something altogether rubbish, sometimes totally inappropriate too.

That’s not good…… Hopefully it’ll come back soon before I go bonkers.

Meanwhile…….having a bit more time on my hands meant I could have a bit of a tidy up in the studio and as a result came across a pile of leather pieces. I’d almost forgotten about them in the back of a cupboard. Given to me by my friend Lena, they originally came from a sofa swatch book so are mostly A4 size but with odd holes and stitching where they were held into the book.

They’re just the right size  and stiffness for making into notebook covers like this. I broke four needles sewing the strap on but it was worth the effort.

I’ve made this green one big enough to take four to six notebooks comfortably with a wrap around and button closure. I love it. I might make some more this weekend.

One of my goals for this year is to journal more so last Friday in the studio I did just that and had a blast. I missed the paints and inks alot last year so I intend to bring my journal out as much as possible in 2018.

It was a perfect opportunity too to use my house stamps. After stamping and cutting them out I was happier to leave them uncoloured againsed the crazy background and I think it worked.

For this Friday in the studio I’ve turned to the journal in my travelers notebook where I’m going to start documenting the months. I’ll add some photos, notes, ephemera and stickers and keep it sketchy and informal. It’ll be a place where I can highlight everything which happens during the month plus I can add some arty backgrounds in too.

That’s it for this week. Have a good one and I’ll speak soon.

Jaine xx

Friday In The Studio With My Junk Journal

Happy June everyone. We’re half way through the year already,how did that happen?

The Craft Stamper Magazine is out today Friday 2nd June and my article in this months edition is a subject I love dearly, Junk Journaling.

Here’s a sneaky peek at one of the pages from my journal.

Of course I do happen to have a hand made junk journal in my pocket sized travelers notebook which I adore.

It’s great for sticking small bits in and doing a little bit of journaling too. Easy and quick to work in and a whole lot less intimidating because of its size.

June 1st I took the opportunity to sit outside and update my planners. The gorgeous one on the right is by Prima and I bought it from Paperpenandplan.

They also sell the stickers, gel pens and Prima glue pen which you see in these pics.

I’ll be listing junk journals for sale soon so look out for those. In the mean time I’ve got a few pocket size notebook covers left in my Etsy store basementsixtyfive

Have a good weekend

Jaine xx

Happy February From The Studio

Wow February is here and I for one am truly happy about that. January is such a dismal month with most of it spent trying to either catch up on stuff not finished from last year, feeling down because already the promises made on January 1st have fallen by the wayside plus the weather is usually dull and dreary like the mood. So…..February is here folks so fear not, all will be well.

February is the month of finding the first signs of an eventual spring. Only this morning I swear I heard the croaks of a bull frog coming from the pond next door. There’s alot to look forward to this month and yesterday was Candlemass or Liichtmess as it’s known here where light is brought in to the home to see us through those last weeks of winter and to hurry on the Spring. Here it’s a big thing with the children who walk from house to house with lamps chanting the song and asking for sweets. Like trick or treat without the trick! It’s a colourful and light filled occasion and of course the kiddies love it. Then at the end of the month it’s pancake day (shrove Tuesday). I love pancakes, who doesn’t?  In the middle of the month I’ll be off to Birmingham for the Stitches show at the NEC. This time last year I was all nervous and excited to be part of it on a stand of my own as part of the CHA designers section. I’ve learned alot in a year and realise how naive I really was back then. I’m happy to be going this year as a visitor, it’ll be more relaxing for sure.

Right now on the Canvas Corp web site, I’ve a little project using scraps of paper and fabrics to make prayer banners. They include motivational words to help carry me through the year and the banner hangs in my studio.

I’m pleased to say my planning is right on track and I’m really enjoying the process. I think I’ve found something which suits me and my style and is really working. It’s only taken a year of experimenting to discover what I actually like but I’m now using my A5 Carpe Diem properly but putting my own stamp on it, my Travelers Notebook from Websters Pages which holds my sketchbook and my personal which I’ve totally renewed making all my own dashboards and inserts for.

I’ve very pleased to say I’m involved with a wonderful community of people called Paper Pen and Plan who bring monthly planner goodies to you in the form of a subscription box. They have a web site here Paperpenandplan and a great Facebook group too.

My February planner pages have been created using stickers and downloads from their February Sweet Treat box the theme of which is Rainbows and Unicorns. What could be more adorable? They are also running a challenge within the Facebook group with the opportunity to win prizes. You can join the group here.

Have a good weekend everyone and I hope it’s a colourful one.

Jaine x

Friday In The Studio – Planning Planning Planning

I really should call this Catching Up In The Studio as it’s now Sunday and I’m only now finding the time to do my catch up. It’s been a busy week as usual and the weather hasn’t helped. We’ve had some snow and having a dog who constantly wants to come in and out the floors are always wet and dirty so I spend my time cleaning up after him.

Anyway, that aside, I’ve prepared my planners and journals for this new year and I thought I’d share that with you seeing as I’ll be using them from time to time in blog posts. The four above are the ones I’ll be using on a regular basis and from the top they are, a Websters Pages Travelers Notebook which holds a sketchbook and journal in at the moment but I have the ability to be able to add other books as I go along. Next is my desk diary which is my daily agenda, always on my desk with my to do lists, money matters and notes etc, then comes my Simple Stories Carpe Diem planner which I started last year and abandoned after January! I’m hoping this year to really use it properly and after making new inserts and dashboards for it I feel it’s really my own style. Finally I’ve a gardening diary which was a gift a couple of years ago and although I’ve started it I don’t feel as if I’ve really got into it yet. I’ve lots of ideas for how I’ll use this one so you may see it from time to time here.

As I said in my travelers notebook I’ve included a sketchbook. I do have a much bigger sketchbook which I’ll continue to use from time to time but for a quick sketch on the go I’ll be using this one.  It’s a Moleskine as I absolutely love the paper even though it’s thin and buckles and warps when I use watercolour paint on it, this is why I like it so much.

A couple of sketches created after walks with the dog.

My planner is a Simple Stories ring binder style and now I’ve made my own dashboards it feels more like me so I’m hoping that will encourage me to keep up with it.

I’d love to know if any of you are using planners or journals this year and what system you’re using?

Hopefully I can inspire you a little bit to get out a pencil and maybe start something new.

See you soon

Jaine x